Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17~2009 Court proceedings

Today at 2:00 was the hearing before His Honour James W. Zotaa. Jr.

Here are several Highlights taken from the actual court record of today's proceedings:

First, there are three respondents:

The Ministry of Justice, which asked for more time to investigate. Having just learned about this a few hours before appearing in court.

The Ministry of Health, & Social Welfare it's Minister, and Principal Deputies. Which was absent from court.

The West African Childrens Support Network ( WACSN)

The West African Childrens Support Network submits the following: " That several minor children have been relinquished to it, and that some have been adopted. However, strangely the Ministry of Health co-respondent in these proceedings, moved onto the premises of of co-defendant WACSN without court orders, and seized therefore both adopted, and relinquished minor children, and took them to a destination unknown to WACSN. To date co-respondent WACSN does not have any of the main prisoner/petitioner in it's possession."

"The Court: After listening to the arguments, the court grants the request of The Ministry of Justice to the extent that the Ministry of Justice will appear in this court Monday April 20 2009 at 2:00 pm with all of the children involved in this petition. This court says that it is not granting the request for the Ministry of Justice to conduct an investigation as to who is the proper person to be in custody of the children, but it is mandated by this court only to locate the children, and have them brought forthwith to this court. This court wants to say that this matter concerning the whereabouts of thirty five Liberian children is so grave that same should be taken very seriously as the welfare of said children is not only the concern of their parents but the general public."

"As to the absence of the Ministry of Health, this court says that it viewed their absence as contempt."

" It is incumbent upon that Ministry to appear thru a designated representative in respect for the dignity of the court. The absence of the authority of the Ministry of Health is viewed by this court as an attempt to bring this court into disrepute hence, this court will address itself to same to ensure that same is not repeated. The clerk of this court is ordered to issue a writ of summon in contempt on the Minister of Health and it's Deputy to appear in court on April 20 2009 at 2:00 pm."

The hearing of these Habeas Corpus is suspended until april 20 2009 at 2:00pm at which time the Ministry of Justice is ordered to produce the living body of the children involved in these petitions no matter their condition."

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